Sunday 27 April 2008

Hi folks, I'm Back

It's been a while but now I feel it's time to pick up where I left off.

But firstly I must thank everyone that sent e-mails and who left comments on the blog while I've been away.

And also to Angeleyes, my wife, for her support and strength during the past months.

Got loads to tell and lots to do so welcome back to Scruffyhippo Blog...........

How often have you put off doing what you really want to do, maybe it's the money or lack of it, or not enough time, maybe you have said maybe next week or next month or even next year, what it is the you are yearning to do or achieve, then do it, live has a way of making you take stock of where you are and what you are doing, even heart attacks have reasons beyond the health implications, think about it, what is it you really want to do but never seem to get around to?


Roswila said...

Welcome back, scruffyhippo! I know exactly what you mean about health issues leading one to take stock. That happened in a major way for me when my knee arthritis advanced. And it not only forced me to take stock, it was also another lesson in being open to the blessings within the disguise.

Thanks for raising this question, as I've been wanting to go to the Sunday morning "Spiritual Event" here in the retirement community I've moved to. I never make it up in time, as I'm not a morning person. However, that's truly no excuse. So, with the encouragement of your post I'm planning to go this coming Sunday and see what it is like.

Again, welcome back, and many blessings.

Bob Johnson said...

Hey welcome back, good to see you are back, just happened to click on an old link to you, What a surprise, does Anna know?

Scruffyhippo said...

Hey Roswilla, great to hear from you and even with such a small contribution with this post can I still invoke encouragement for my favourite tarot teacher :)

Hi Bob, good to see you too, I've not had time yet to cruise all my old haunts (Sorry blogs) but will get round to it, no Anna does'nt know yet :)

myonlyphoto said...

Hey Peter, welcome back. BTW Bob was really prompt to notify me about you, lol, however I have been away from blogging to for a while, and I will reveal all the details soon on my blog (Bob can you keep a secret, lol). Peter hope all is well and you have rested, and took care of what is important. May be by the time I am back to blogging you will be too. Anna :)

myonlyphoto said...

Hey Peter, are you okay! have not seen you around since April. Hope all is well, and hope to see you blog again. Anna :)

Scruffyhippo said...

Hi anna, I'm fine just very busy at the moment.
Hopefully soon I will get back in the swing of the blog and catch up with some posting.

Melissa said...


It is great to see you back, albeit briefly at the moment.

Health, is a fickle thing.

Blessings to you and your continued recovery.