Monday 19 March 2007

Card of the Week 4

This week, we have another reading for you from Angeleyes, and again includes mediumship, this weeks reading includes a spirit connection for someone who will read this post at some point in the near future.

Please do leave feedback if you feel this was meant for you as many mediums (myself included) rarely get feedback and is nice to know the person in the spirit world has found their receipent, last weeks reading had only been posted a few hours when we received an e-mail from the person who the reading was for, at their request we have not copied the e-mail to the site and respect their wishes.

If you saw the previous reading your will know this reading or card is meant for who ever see's it whatever day or week that may be, to re-cap see Card of the Week 1 and the post on synchronicity

Simplify your life
Eliminate clutter from your home and life
To balance the flow of activities.

Everything in your head is becoming very jumbled, you don’t know which way to turn.
But it is not only in your mind, it’s your home life to.
Although you are a happy person, who doesn’t really worry about the state of the house and what other people think, even you are getting annoyed about the mess, but there is never enough time to clear it up.
You are a very spiritual person with great healing ability although you are a very laid back person you also have a heart of gold. Life for you is very fast.
You are continually up to something and very much a free spirit, although you can be a bit of a dreamer. There is always something new and exciting going on.
You are being guided by angel Gabrielle this time and there are many more steps to climb before you reach your goal, but you aren’t in any great hurry.
You have a love for nature, trees and wild life.

I feel I have a gentleman with me. He is a father/grandfather. I feel he had a moustache at some point in his life. He was a tall man with dark hair (in his younger days) very up right, slender man, who would wear a suit a lot. I feel he was on mother’s side of the family and I am hearing the words, city gent.
He passed away at home, peacefully in his sleep and was 84 years old. I feel there was a condition with him, but it had nothing to do with his passing.
He comes with loads of love for you, and says sorry for not always being there for you.
He is glad to see you so happy, but please sort yourself out, your home life is a mirror image of your mind, you cant come to any conclusion in your mind until the house is tidy, then sit with a cup of tea and he will be there to help with the answers to your problems.
This gentleman mentions mother’s day and asks, did you forget? You did not do what you usually do.
The gentleman tells me he will come to you again and help you clear your mind.

Your reading was taken from oracle cards Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue.

Angeleyes xx

To get your own Magical Mermaids and Dolphins
by Doreen Virtue
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