Saturday 24 February 2007

Card of the week 1

A few days ago I posted a short piece on synchronicity so now we get to see it in action.

Taking the point that everything has a reason and things happen at the time and place there are meant too, then the fact that you have found your way to this blog and this post happened for a reason!..... the reason..... well could be many things but today we are posting the first of our 'Card of the Week' readings based on a single card from a very good reader.

Once a week she will be doing a short reading on one card she draws from a pack of her choice, now if you see this today, next week or maybe you have found this post in a years time, then right now is meant for short synchronicity.

It maybe the reading itself may not be relevant to you but we will be posting the picture of each card too and maybe the image here may inspire you on this day.

Anyway thanks must go to 'Angeleyes' who provided this reading that follows and all subsequent readings.


Card of the week COURAGE

Take the leap
Your courage will see you through.

Your personal life has not been a bed of roses recently and I feel that you are putting on a brave face but deep inside you, you are crying with sadness and frustration, guilt and anxiety, as you don’t want to hurt anyone.
You have nothing to feel guilty about. You are the one who is important here, no one else.
Little things are not adding up in your relationship and they are beginning to bother you.
Although you have asked questions, the truth is never told, and you find yourself not knowing what to believe.
There has been deceit and lies told, and your trust in this person has gone, although you want to believe them but cant.
I feel this is not to do with an affair but more so with drugs.
They are more wrapped up in their world than with you.
And it seems to you that every time you make the decision to leave the relationship they come back very sorry, until the next time.
You are being guided, and will be given the strength to walk away.
I feel this partner fears you and what you’re capable of, but the only person who does not see this strength is you.
There is a whole new world out their waiting for you to come and explore.
Your future is a lot brighter than it is now, but only you can make it happen.
You have been given two lions for protection, courage and strength, use them to draw on their abilities and find yourself again.
Good luck,
With love & light
Angel eyes xxx

Your reading was from Cheryl Richardson Self Care Cards to get your own pack Click Here


Roswila said...

For all the years I've been doing this sort of thing (and even at one time, teaching about it) I am still sometimes astounded by synchronicity! I just woke up in the wee hours this morning and designed The Strength card for a Tarot deck I'm making and wrote the words to go on it.

Not only that, but what angeleyes says hits very close to home. The relationship for me is with myself -- that part of me with the food issues. And I just this morning came to a new resolve with respect to "her." This reading fully supports and confirms it.

Thanks for facilitating such helpful synchronicity.

Scruffyhippo said...

The card even had a meaning to me.

I have had the reading for a few days and had to scan the card from one of my own packs so only saw the card that afternoon, as it was we took the kids to the local zoo that day and one of the things that really took my interest was the big cats, the lion and lioness in particular, again although on a much down to earth level the cats in the card reminded me of the proud cats at the zoo.