Sunday 22 April 2007

The web we weave

A long pause, and then……silence……..

Somewhere in the distance is the faint sound of a dog howling, you struggle to make out your surroundings but the light is fading fast.
Each cautious step you take forward echoes around you like a steel sheet hitting concrete.
You shudder as a cold tingle goes down your back and take a few more steps in the now almost darkness.
Your still coming to terms with being here, the last thing you remember is eating your lunch on the park bench on a sunny midmorning, but you don’t seem to remember how you got here.
You can hear the sound of dripping water somewhere around you but again the echo makes it sound in a dozen different places.
The air is cold and you wrap your arms around you stepping forward into the gloom.
The next step makes a splash as you step into a puddle, as does the next, your caution overtakes you coldness and you now hold out your arms and hands in front of you feeling your way forward, totally disoriented you take each step hoping there is something to stand on.
Something just moved! To the left of you…….. You stop.
Straining to hear in the silence all you here is the drip echoing…..nothing.
You take another step…..There it is again…….
Your anxiety starts to build into fear and you strain to make out what it is in the darkness, your eyes start playing tricks on you as one second you think you see a dog shape and the next second it looks like a man. You want to run but the fear of falling stops you.
You freeze on the spot waiting for your worst nightmare to happen………
Something has changed! The dripping has stopped, now there is just silence…….. a silence so quiet it’s deafening.. .................

What is it that make us scared in the dark? why does it effect us and add the fear factor?

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