Sunday 12 August 2007

78 Card Spread

For some years I have known of a tarot spread that involves all 78 cards called the 'Tree of Life' spread although never really got much further, after a bit of research I found a book explaining the spread and it is known as 'Rahdue's Wheel'. I have layed out the cards in the following picture and as you can see takes up a lot of space.

The next post will explain the layout order and the meaning of each position.

The layout could take hours to read fully and is not for the faint hearted, for some time I have been looking for a spread to use for life path readings and this could be it.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing, I have never actually been able to find rahdue's wheel info: could you please maybe list what its significance is?

Scruffyhippo said...

Hi, I did do a [post on my website some time ago with as much information as I could get the link is below.

Copy and paste the above to your browser.