How to make someone feel worthy
You may of noticed that in the last week this blog has received two awards, they have been proudly pinned up on the right >>>>>
I must admit I was totally shocked to get them as I never win anything, well, until now that is :)
It made everything I do here worthwhile and has given me a renewed passion to give more on this blog.
In light of those awards the rules seem to be that now I have been awarded them it falls to me to pass them on so I am actively looking for 4 bloggers, 2 guys to pass on the 'awesome guy blogger award' and 2 girls to pass on the ' rockin Girl blogger award' and that's not all I will be looking for one blogger that I can pass on the 'Nice Matters' award.
As if that wasn't enough work, I have updated an award we have been handing out for the last 3 years on the main website to include blog websites.
Now this is not handed out lightly, in fact in the last three years I have only awarded this 12 times, they are dated and coded so others cannot copy them and use them. (to see one in use go to our home page at ).
How do you get one? you can't, but you can be nominated, or you can nominate your favourite website or weblog.
Only one each month will ever be awarded.
To see more on this very special award
Click Here to view pagescruffyhippo
Hi Peter, eating your peanut butter and banana sandwich, lol. Forgot to tell you, I like the crunchy too. Nice post, I will check it out, sounds like fun, I will add to my list of things to do, that is I have 2 awards to go through and nominate. Thanks for visiting my blog, like always, anna :)
PS I got my blogrolling figured out, so I have now column on the left with Blogs I Visit, you on it - if it is still working lol.
Hi anna, I will have to go and look now :)
Bo peanut butter tonight it's gone 1:00am and not long been in so it's off to bed for me.
Hi Peter :)
Nothing like having someone appreciate your heart and soul and after reading your blog, I appreciate yours.
Thankyou badthing, what a lovely comment, welcome to my blog :)
you deserve awards...being so generous with your time and insights.
can you tell i'm sucking up?
does my joke translate well in the uk? yanks are so damn self-serving...
julia, well it may be well deserved, it's not for me to say :) but that's why I have set up the International Memebr Wesiet awards to include blogs, to give those who deserve the recognition something to show how they have done.
It's ok Julia I'm used to 'yanks' spent more time online reading for and talking to Americans than people in the UK :0 so much so I have even been known to miss the u out of colour :)
don't dare drop the u out of colour!
i wish i could adopt the u...
much more poetic!
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