Monday 8 January 2007

Birthstones for January

CAPRICORN 22nd December to 20th January

AQUARIUS 21st January to 19th February

Garnet symbolises fire, faith, courage, grace, honesty, compassion and fidelity.

Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk.

Garnets can be used to make a person popular and have self-esteem when worn as jewellery. It helps protect one on trips.

Garnets bring constancy to friendships, and it is believed that if a garnet is put under a pillow it will cure depression. It can also help increase the sex drive.
Garnet is also said to stimulate the bloodstream, combat depression and laziness. It is associated with the thyroid and the spleen, and helps cleanse and purify both when held over the area. The Garnet is usually held in the hand or placed on top of the head when searching or meditating on past lives. Information that is beneficial and helpful will usually be released for the searcher.

GARNET Relates To:

Planet - Mars


Chakra - First Chakra - Base of spine Chakras

Birthstone - January, also February, May and October

Energies - Luck, Money, Love and Healing
Other stones for January are RUBY For more on stones and Gems see Crystals or Astrology

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