Friday 19 January 2007

Relevance of Colour, Part 1

Any decorator or designer will tell you how important colour is in our lives... the colours around us can change our moods, make us more or less active, productive, amorous, glamorous.... Why? Because science will tell you that each colour is associated with a specific vibrational frequency.
In fact, each colour can be associated with a musical note! When there is a predominance of one or two colours in our environment, that vibrational frequency - and the characteristics or qualities associated with that frequency - will tend to influence the activities conducted in that environment - and the attitude of those in it, and even around it.

Changing the colour in a room, through paint, lighting or accessories will have a direct and profound affect on everything in the room - and everything that goes on there. The same applies to web site design, the choice of colours for your business or institution, and even the colours you choose to wear.

Try wearing a bright red, green or pink on the days that you are feeling down. Wear browns, greens, oranges and any of the earth tones when you want folks to feel comfortable around you. Wear blues - and especially turquoise, and bright sunny yellows when you want to stimulate some good ideas. Add red if you want folks to take action on these ideas!


Richie said...

I do feel unaccountably comfortable when I wear a green jumper. I'd say that your theory works well. Though I think it will be some time before I turn up for work wearing bright pink!

Scruffyhippo said...

I must admit, I avoid all bright colours, prefer my dark blue, green and black, and browns :)

Roswila said...

Hi scruffyhippo,

Talk about synchronicity! I just ran across my printout of this article on Colour and The Tarot:

Every color definitely has its unique vibration. At one time, when I was designing a Tarot for blind folk (fully designed now, not to be published, but at some point to be transformed into a different deck I'll be sharing about on my blog) it was suggested blind folk might sense the vibrations of color if I used it on cards. I think some blink folk and some sighted folk, too, might be sensitive enough to do that. But it's probably a rare sensitivity. However, I do think all of us are effected by the colors around us every day, but on subtler levels. Such as uou mention with respect to our moods.

Also, many years ago I did a series of meditations on the Majors in the Tarot, using the appropriate scented oil, the color, and the musical note. Whew! If one has the resources and the time, I'd highly recommend it as part of serious Tarot study.

Scruffyhippo said...

I am doing a Tarot workshop in February in the local spiritualist centre and I am using colour in that for the first time as an add on to the cards, will be interesting to see how many people get a better sense of the cards with colour.