Wednesday 31 January 2007

Birthstones for Febuary

AQUARIUS 21st January to 19th February

PISCES 22th February to 20th March


The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst held many powers, among them protection against intoxication. In fact, the word Amethyst comes from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning sober. In ancient Greece, the gemstone was associated with the god of wine, and it was common practice to serve this beverage from Amethyst goblets in the belief that this would prevent over indulgence. Even today, Amethyst is considered a stabilizing force for those struggling to overcome addictive behaviours.

Amethyst is also symbolic of spirituality, and has been used to ornament churches and crosses used in religious ceremony. Amethyst has also been worn in rings and on rosaries by bishops and priests.

It is one of the most effective stones to use for meditation, because its calming attributes relax the mind so that it can release its attachment to the daily concerns of life and slip into a more expansive reality. If you'd like to meditate with this stone, place it on your forehead between your eyes.

Whatever else you may believe about amethyst, there is no doubt that the purple stone is one of the most beautiful gemstones in existence. If the amethyst is your birthstone, you are indeed lucky and blessed.

AMETHYST Relates To:

Planet - Saturn


Birthstone - February, also November and December

Other stones for February are TURQUOISE For more on stones and Gems see Crystals or Astrology

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